We are your trusted partner for Professional Pest Control and Wildlife Removal services in Western New York and into parts of Pennsylvania.
Top-rated exterminators with same-day appointments generally available for both Residential and Commercial Properties.
Give us a call at 716.382.7055 to solve your pest issue today.
We’re Open! Call Now: 716.382.7055
We've helped thousands of people talk to an exterminator to get rid of their pest problems quickly & easily.
Our Process
GIVE US A CALL Make a zero-obligation free hassle free estimate phone call at 716.382.7055 and speak to one of our friendly and helpful customer service team members. You will be immediately connected with a top expert pest professional.
SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT We offer Free Estimates and evaluations. Our pest control team will work quickly take care of your pest problems. If you wish to proceed with services, they will work with you to schedule your service date immediately.
PEST OR WILDLIFE REMOVAL We quickly and effectively will remove all pests or wildlife so you can get back to living your life pest-free. We are dedicated to eliminating your pests and ensuring a pest-free environment for you and your family.
Questions You May Have
How much does it cost?
Cost of pest treatment can differ based on factors such as the type and severity of the infestation and treatment method. The best way to answer this is a zero-obligation free hassle free estimate call at 716.382.7055 to speak with a Western New York pest exterminator expert.
Do you service my area?
Yes - Our network of pest control experts work in the Western New York area. We generally, same day appointments can be accommodated.
Schedule Your Service
Call Us 716.382.7055
Email Us scottipcwny@gmail.com
We're Not Happy Unless You're Happy
Our pest control team is equipped to handle many types of pest or wildlife infestations while minimizing disruption to your life.
Expert Technicians
There are many different ways to solve pest issues. We personalized the solutions and tailored to their environment and your needs.
Quality Service
Our customer service team will listen to your issues. We will quickly get a pest and wildlife control expert our for a free hassle free estimate to solve your pest problem.

Some Common Pests We Treat